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This ritual is designed to give you the gretaest possible outcomes in your current / new job prospects. It clears money blocks and opens doors of endless opportunities for stability and an overall satisfaction with career and salary.


- Increase in salary

- Large Bonuses & Rewards 

- Recognition of hard work and Praise

- Confidence in interviews , meetings and presentations.

- Attract work abroad opportunities 

- Relocation package & Accomadation incl

- Work visa approved 

- Respectful and hard working colleagues

- Boss that allows you to be self sufficient

- Sufficient, lengthy and legal work breaks

- Overall likeability and charisma 

- Firm work Boundaries & Professionalism

- WFH Equiptment, phone and everything covered and delivered.

- Starting work loan to buy clothing, shoes and have appropriate work attire.

- Always look neat and smell nice

- Shifts that suit your needs

- Job Promotions

- Career Progression

- Hiring on the spot 

- Incredible first impression

- Discovering Successful streams of income

- Protection against work place gossip

- Protection against fraud, scam jobs, Fake jobs, modern day slavery, trafficking related to money and only align with legit advertisement. 

- Pass work credit check

- Smooth career change transition 

- Amazing work benefits 

- Protection against redundancy, random layoffs & bankrupcy.

Dream Job Spell - Pay rise, Promotion- Feel appreciated at work, Positive place

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